Buy Me a Pie!

We make your daily shopping easy

6 000 000

downloads worldwide

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Our History

I'm Sergey Bulaev, the founder of "Buy Me a Pie!", and I go shopping almost every day. Once I was shopping at the local grocery store, while my wife was sending me one SMS after another, each with a list of items to buy. While walking around the store from aisle to aisle, looking for the various items, I suddenly realized how inconvenient this overall experience was. "There must be a better way to handle this sort of situation" I thought. BAM! At this very moment the idea of the "Buy Me a Pie!" app was born - exactly at the moment this app was needed badly, exactly at the place it was required, and exactly by the person who lacked it. I was in there in a shopper's shoes, and I still am. That is why we are here with our "Buy Me a Pie!" app - the shopping list exactly as it should be.
Read the whole story


Sergey Bulaev
CEO & Co-founder
Alexander Salmov
Product Owner & Co-founder
Oleg Nederev
Worldwide Marketing & Co-founder
Ilya Valkin
Yuri Lukyanov
Ekaterina Ushaeva
QA Specialist
Artyom Fedotov
iOS Developer
Roman Milovanov
Marketing Director
Viktoria Basyrova
Graphic Designer
Pavel Stasyuk
iOS Developer
Anna Kulikova
Solution integrator
Ekaterina Kameniuk
Content producer
Ekaterina Arslanova
Traffic manager

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